How to Measure Your Cervix

Measuring your cervix height accurately is crucial in selecting the right menstrual cup or disc for your needs. By determining your cervix position, you can choose a product that fits perfectly and provides optimal comfort and protection. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you measure your cervix height:

  1. Wash your hands: Start by thoroughly washing your hands with mild soap and warm water. It's important to ensure cleanliness during the measuring process.
  2. Find a comfortable position: Choose a comfortable position that allows easy access to your vagina. You can squat, stand with one leg elevated, or sit on the toilet.
  3. Locate your cervix: Gently insert your finger into your vagina until you feel your cervix. It will feel like a firm, rounded bump at the end of your vaginal canal. Take note of how far your finger can reach before you encounter the cervix.
  4. Measure the depth: Carefully remove your finger and measure the distance from the tip of your finger to the point where it meets your vulva. This measurement indicates your cervix height.
  5. Determine your cervix position: Your cervix height can fall into one of three categories:
    • Low cervix: If your finger reaches less than 2 inches (5 cm) into your vagina before encountering the cervix, you have a low cervix position.
    • Average cervix: If your finger reaches between 2 to 3.5 inches (5-9 cm) into your vagina before encountering the cervix, you have an average cervix position.
    • High cervix: If your finger reaches more than 3.5 inches (9 cm) into your vagina before encountering the cervix, you have a high cervix position.
  6. Choose the right size: Based on your cervix height measurement, you can now select the appropriate size of menstrual cup or disc:
    • For a low cervix: If you have a low cervix, you may find that a shorter menstrual cup or disc is more comfortable. Go for a smaller size or a cup/disc specifically designed for low cervixes.
    • For an average cervix: If you have an average cervix height, most standard-sized menstrual cups or discs should work well for you. You have the flexibility to choose based on your flow and other preferences.
    • For a high cervix: If you have a high cervix, consider a longer menstrual cup or disc to ensure it can be easily reached and removed. A larger size or a cup/disc designed for high cervixes may provide a better fit.

Remember, everyone's body is unique, and these measurements are just guidelines. It's normal to experiment with different sizes and shapes until you find the perfect fit for your body and menstrual needs.